Well, not much more to add but I just passed my January anniversary and felt I should pop in. Seven years ago I had my surgery. Things are good. Chasing a one-year-old who became a temperamental, active toddler overnight. Realizing my core isn't so strong (as usual) but the not working out thing since having the baby really is NOT working for me. It's a matter of time until I pull my back. But no pain to speak of I'm happy to report. Watching a coworker struggle with a herniated disc who has been going to chiropractor for about a year to "fix it." Guess what? It's not working. Not sure how that is a surprise. Like I said before, for some things, muscoskeletal type of things, I'm sure chiropractors are great and actually work. Not for discs in my opinion. There's no way to "adjust" the jelly back into the donut if you know what I mean.
Another coworker's spouse just had back surgery, but a little more involved than a microdiscectomy. It had me thinking back to surgery recovery. Not trying to scare anyone but I do feel that it was harder to recover from the microdiscectomy than my c-section. It's so funny (not really) because the microd was sold to me as "practically outpatient" and totally a quick snip here and there and it was actually a big deal, at least to me, someone who'd never had any medical procedure done ever. The trying to walk around the L.A. hills was tough, I remember walking several times a day digging my fingernails into my palms, shuffling at a snail's pace around the block. Maybe it'd have been easier had I been where I am now, or if I was in a different point in my life, I don't guess I'll ever know. But it was harder than I realized, and I was surprised that the c-section wasn't that big of a deal in comparison. But you know how mommy hormones or sleep deprivation or whatever it is clouds your memories of early post-partum days so maybe that is at play too, I don't know...
Anyway, it's fun to look back on this blog and see a time of my life that seems so far away. I'm so happy that back pain has not become part of my every day life, or even worse, my persona. I hope it remains this way!