Sunday, January 12, 2014

Progress Report: FIVE YEARS LATER!

More of the same, still will pull my back now and then, still ned to strengthen my core, but overall pretty good. Am I the same as I was before that first injury years before my surgery? Well, no. Am I in pain? Hardly ever, once a year maybe. I am pleased with the outcome and have never regretted the surgery which is kinda funny when I remember how conflicted I felt over the decision to have it.

I even ran my first 5k this fall, and ran the entire 3.1 miles. Who could have imagined I'd be able to do that?!


  1. Thank you for the update . I am going on 7 months and still having a little bit of pain in my back and some in my leg . slowly getting better :)

  2. Great to hear, and congrats on the 5k!

  3. Glad to hear your surgery is successful. Do you have any idea how to distinguish between a flare up and another herniation? I had a microdiscectomy in November 2014 and reherniated within a week. Had another microdiscectomy February 2015 which was a huge success...until now. I went golfing (nice easy scramble) and felt great the next day. Then did some core exercises a day a few days later I have the dreaded sciatic pain. It's not unbearable but with my history I am afraid of a reherniation. this what a flare up feels like? I have a doc app next week and will ask for an MRI.

  4. Of course your doctor will know for sure. A couple of times I've thought I've reherniated but didn't. I have a feeling that it will be one of those YOU'LL KNOW situations.
