Friday, July 31, 2015

SIX years post microdiscectomy

Well, it's been 6.5 years since my surgery. I am updating this for those who are scouring the internet for information, any, about this surgery as I know I was doing 6.5 years ago. I hope this helps someone like me who was freaked out about having the surgery.

So, six plus years later, I'm doing great. Rarely have back problems. Don't even think about it! I have realized that I am a teeny bit weaker on my "bad" side where I had the limping pre-surgery. I think this slight weakness led to … a broken ankle! But it healed and it's actually OK too. The human body is such an amazing thing!

My most exciting news, and hopefully someone out there fretting about this will see this, is that … I had a baby! I was so worried about planning for pregnancy post-microscectomy that I probably put off having one a little longer than I had to. But guess what? It was fine! It was uneventful! I didn't have a single back pain while pregnant! I was so afraid of the back pain that everyone assured me that I'd have that I almost waited too long to try to have a baby … I'm 40 … but it was fine! It was great! I have the most adorable 6 month old in the world! I wish I hadn't been so scared about it. But isn't that how so many things in life go?