Thursday, October 15, 2009

Progress Report: Week 38

There's been a lot going on these past few weeks, and my back has not been happy about it! I had jury duty, got put on a trial, and that meant a lot of weird chairs and benches. I still can't just sit anywhere (and never on a stool without a back) without pain. Jury duty meant a lot of sitting on wooden benches outside the courtroom down at the L.A. County Courthouse. It was not good for my back. I had burning from my lower back down to my ankle every afternoon. Also downtown, there is a lot of walking, most of it up- (or down-) hill, which probably was both good and bad for my back. So it took me a few days to recover.

Also went to a Dodgers playoff game (good luck tonight boys!) and that meant walking from Sunset up Elysian Park, then up no less than 2,000 flights of stairs to get to the upper seating areas. At least I saved $15 (but more importantly, time -- 15 minutes to walk vs. over an hour sitting in an idling car). And I was taking a photo after the game and stumbled on some warped pavement (anyone who's been there will know what I mean) and fell backwards on my behind, jolting my spine. Ugh, not good. But also not as bad as I thought. It was hard to tell if the pain came from that, jury duty, or the walk. But much better than it would have been had I fallen like this 6 months ago. So it turned out as good as it could, I guess.

So a wee bit of sciatica these days, behind my knee. Some lower back pain. Some advil, though not daily. The entire recovery process is so weird. Here I am, 10 months later, still having problems. That said, a year ago from today I was at home, in bed, barely able to walk and limping like crazy, and on temporary disability from work. What a long way I've come! I have to remind myself this when I get frustrated.

I am still swimming by the way. Not walking much. That will change.


  1. Hi,

    I just wanted to let you know that it has been great to read of your progress since your surgery and has helped to raise my spirits.
    I had my microdiscectomy (large L5/S1) only 8 days ago here in Melbourne, Australia and awoke in the hospital recovery room still with some pain in my leg and was immediately concerned. The pain has been far less than before the surgery, however I was worried that this was just going to build up until it was as bad as ever.
    Now that I have read your blog, and the comments of some other people, I have realised that with a positive attitude and a determination to do the right things that this can/will get better.
    I have tried to avoid the internet as I quikly noticed that most of the people wanting to tell thier stories are those with a bad experience. It has been refreshing to hear from someone who has been realistic throughout the whole process.
    I was told by several doctors that surgery was the last thing I wanted to do! I think it is important to remember that surgery is only the begining, it is what you do in the years following the surgery that will shape your rehab. That is what I will continue to tell myself!

    Once again, thanks for the blog


  2. Thanks for the kind words, David! I hope you have a speedy recovery. I felt the same way after surgery -- I was prepared for a magical instant recovery, doing cartwheels out of the hospital...but I felt the same. Maybe worse even. But it got better, and yours will too. Best of luck to you!
